
Friday, August 20, 2010

Just Somethin’ I Whipped Up

I was in DESPERATE need of a tablecloth.

I LOVE my table. She’s a real beauty. She’s a 54'” square with a built-in leaf, so when the leaf it not up, the size is 54” by 36”.

I bring this up because, apparently, this is an odd size table. Who knew?! I have had the hardest time finding the correct size. they are either WAY to big or not the right shape or hang off beautifully down one side and barely reach on the other. It’s been a nightmare to say the least.

I went to Wal-Mart *HOPING* to find some miracle tablecloth, but alas, all I could find was this lovely:


Not bad, right? No, well, no but come on! 60'”x84”?! Apparently no one has informed Wal-Mart of my oddly shaped table and need to NOT have two feet hanging off either edge just waiting for Tarzan and George of the Jungle to take a swing on. Yes, it’s happened more than I’d like to admit.

I was about to hang my head in sadness and defeat when an idea struck my little brain. I walked over to the bedding area. (Sound the heavenly angel choir) Flat sheets. $3. Any color I wanted.

I bought a cutie, drove her home and pressed all the creases out. Wouldn’t you know it, by cutting a twin sheet in half, I would have two, count ‘em TWO tablecloths! YIPEE!!

So I did a sweet little narrow hem on both of them and now TADA!!



Sorry, Tarzan! No swingin’ today!


Look at the cute little decorative border! Added bonus I suppose!


So pretty. And I mean, come on! It’s just something that's going to get dirty, it’s obviously not for my fine dining, but for $1.50 a piece, you just can’t beat that! Start to finish, took about 40 minutes for both.


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